☆ Entrance Plaza! ☆

welcome to xpvm.net. have a good day!

also try project zomboid!

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☆ Announcements ☆

to celebrate the announcement of dead rising deluxe remaster, im remaking the willamette parkview mall radio project, with more annoucements and other amazing features ! - 22/07/24

read more !

Winamp Radio! (Self Hosted, May be Offline)

i have a self hosted radio station! currently im using it on my host pc so it may go offline for long periods of time but check it out when you have the time! theres no ads and has a diverse track selection.

My Projects (W.I.P):

Walrus Racing Reloaded
[DOWNLOAD] Walrus Gunner Moonlight (Unfinished)
Willamette Parkview Mall Radio! (Turbowarp)
The Infinite Jerma Clip Generator (Turbowarp)

Random image

you can find my original website here.

im using Neocities to host this site!

 ☆ The Archive! ☆ - Updated 27/3/24 (may be inaccurate!)

☆ The Archive! ☆

this is where you will find cool things i found, such as links to things, games i made, and other small things

Mario 64 on the Web

its what its says, its mario 64, but on a web browser. it has controller support, saving and keyboard support, and widescreen along with a solid 60fps even on the worst of computers. try it out!



this was my original website, but it was terribly coded and put together with some glue and duct tape, so im using this website now.


see more websites !



a place to store my videos recorded using an unregistered copy of hypercam 2 and edited on windows movie maker 6.0!

awesome halo 2 gameplay #1

16 March 2024

awesome halo 2 gameplay #2

17 March 2024

watch more videos !

  ☆ Message Board! ☆

☆ Message Board! ☆

A place where i talk about important announcements, news, and other cool stuff i wanna talk about (like a blog)

10k views on neocities ! - 03/06/24

woah, we got 10 thousand views on neocites! while a handful of those are webcrawlers and bots, at least 80-85% are real! thank you for visiting my website, and if you have a neocities website yourself, i wish you luck in making your own website !

Phantasy Star Online - 21/04/24

Phantasy Star Online, usually abbreviated to just PSO, was a game from 2000 that was revolutionary for online gaming. it was one of the first massive fully online rpgs for consoles and had many features that modern games dont even have.

Dead Rising - 22/02/24

Dead Rising is one of my favourite games of all time. actually no- it is MY #1 FAVOURITE GAME OF ALL TIME. its amazing, and although it has many, many issues, theres a level of charm to it that i really enjoy. whether its the mall music or the atmosphere, theres something i cant explain about the game that just makes me happy.

read longer versions of these messages and more !!